How to Apply
There are two cycles for student to apply for the GEARE program: as a second semester freshman from February 1 - 28, or as a first semester sophomore from September 1-30. Applications will be reviewed by the GEARE coordinator in your academic department. Some departments may require interviews. You will be notified about program acceptance during the first week of April if you apply during the first cycle, or before November 1st if you apply during the second cycle.
The application is only visible during this time and for eligible students. The GEARE program does have a GPA requirement, so if you do not meet this standard you will not be able to view the application or apply.
1. In order to access the application, log in to X Engine's student login using your Purdue SSO
2. Click on your profile photo, then select survey.
3. Open and complete all parts of the GEARE application survey. You will have to submit your resume and transcript.
If you have any troubles, you can view this video for help. Simplicity has been renamed to X Engine, but all other steps are the same.
What is included in my application?
The GEARE application includes space for you to submit some biographic information, your (unofficial) academic transcript, your resume, and a few essays. You will also be asked to submit your intended country of study abroad, although you can work with your academic advisor to change this later. The essays mainly focus on your motivation to be a part of the GEARE program, so if you're as excited about this opportunity as we are, you won't have any troubles writing them! If you're looking for a few more ideas of what to include, take a look at our student highlights on the GEARE Ambassadors blog page! There are some great perspectives on the study abroad experience from students from every step along the way, from underclassmen preparing to go all the way to established alumni engineers.